What you can expect

by Admin

Posted on 23-07-2022 10:16 AM

The benefits of acupuncture are sometimes difficult to measure, but many people find it helpful as a means to control a variety of painful conditions. local Several studies, however, indicate that some types of simulated acupuncture appear to work just as well as real acupuncture. There's also evidence that acupuncture works best in people who expect it to work. Acupuncture has few side effects, so it may be worth a try if you're having trouble controlling pain with more-conventional methods.

Acupuncture is occasionally available through the nhs, but access is limited so most patients pay for private treatment. The cost can vary between practitioners, but usually you can expect to pay between £40 to £70 for an initial session, lasting between 20 to 40 minutes, and £25 to £60 for follow up sessions. 2if you’d like to try acupuncture but the cost is putting you off, did you know that our good all round cash plan pays money back towards treatment costs? you can also claim back towards dental, optical and physiotherapy charges, along with many more everyday health costs to help you keep on top of your health and wellbeing.

The frequency and number of treatments differ from person to person. Some people experience dramatic relief in the first treatment. For complex or long-standing chronic conditions, one to two treatments per week for several months may be recommended. For acute problems, usually fewer visits are required, usually eight to ten visits in total. An individualized treatment plan that includes the expected number of treatments will be discussed during your initial visit.

When choosing an acupuncturist, you'll want to make sure they attended a three or four-year accredited graduate program and hold a current state license. What's the cost? acupuncture treatments usually cost between $75-$150 for a 45 to 60-minute session. You can also look for low-cost community acupuncture clinics that focus on accessibility by offering low-cost acupuncture in a group treatment setting. Before getting started, take the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the process. They'll tell you what to expect, and they should also clearly communicate a treatment plan. Your acupuncturist should also use pre-wrapped, single-use, sterilized needles and dispose of these needles safely immediately after your session.

Acupuncture on the NHS

Acupuncture is a treatment derived from ancient chinese medicine. damage Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes. It is used in many nhs gp practices, as well as in most pain clinics and hospices in the uk. Acupuncture is often seen as a form of complementary or alternative medicine (cam).

View commentaries on this research this is a plain english summary of an original research article acupuncture is not a placebo for treatment of chronic pain. This nihr-funded systematic review shows that acupuncture is better than usual care and sham acupuncture for pain from musculoskeletal conditions, knee osteoarthritis and chronic headache. This nihr review was large with over 140 trials overall, and the direct comparison with sham acupuncture helps to address uncertainty around whether acupuncture gives clinical benefit above a “placebo effect. ” acupuncture had a smaller effect on pain when compared with sham acupuncture than when compared with no acupuncture, but both comparisons showed statistically significant differences.