by Admin

Posted on 14-07-2022 10:22 AM

The Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 (Modification) (No.2) Order 2007

Your council oxford's future anyone wishing to keep a dangerous wild animal in oxford will require a licence from us. Animals which are classified as "dangerous wild animals" are set out in the dangerous wild animals act 1976 (modification) order 2007 no 1437, which came into force on 1st oct 2007. This list of species consists mainly of animals not native to the uk. health However, it cannot be assumed that all animals liable to cause harm appear on the list, as some do not. The purpose of the dangerous wild animals act 1976 is to prevent harm to humans from escaped animals and  provide measures of protection for the captive animals.

In most situations, humans pose far more danger to wild animals than they do to us. In the united states, wild animals are injured or killed frequently via hunting, vehicular traffic, destruction of natural habitats, accidental poisoning of food or water supplies, and other human activity. That said, humans are also occasionally injured or killed by wildlife. Below—in no particular order—is a list of what i consider to be the most dangerous wild animals in the united states in terms of potential for injury or death. For the purposes of this list, only animals that can attack humans directly (via bite, sting, scratch, etc.

Under the dangerous wild animals act 1976 & 1984 every creature classed as a dangerous wild animal in england, scotland and wales has to be licensed by the local authority in which it will be kept. Animals requiring a licence before they may be kept are listed in the dangerous wild animals act 1976 (modification) order 2007. The dangerous wild animal licence does not apply to animals kept in a zoo, circus, licensed pet shop or place of scientific research. Keeping any dangerous wild animal will require a great deal of commitment in order to ensure its well being.

When you hear the phrase “dangerous wild animals,” what image pops into your head? a lion? tiger? bear? state officials are working to define what a dangerous wild animal is in order to restrict west virginia residents from keeping them as pets. It’s an effort sen. Bob beach of monongalia county said started for him in 2004 as chair of the house agriculture committee. “we just couldn’t get enough traction on it,” he said. “then, low and behold, a few years later we had the incident in ohio just outside of wheeling. ”beach is referring to a 2011 incident in zanesville, ohio, where some 50 exotic animals were released from a privately owned zoo in town.


Animals which are classified as "dangerous wild animals" can be anything from an aardvark to a zebra. They are identified in a schedule to the dangerous wild animals act. Anyone wishing to keep one of these animals requires a licence issued by the local authority. audience This licensing procedure does not apply to animals kept in: a circus a pet shop a place which is a designated establishment within the meaning of animals (scientific procedures) act 1986 a licence holder has to contact the licensing authority for approval if animals are to be moved to another destination.

The dangerous wild animals (northern ireland) order 2004 came into effect on 28 december 2006 to regulate the keeping of dangerous wild animals (the species included are identified in the accompanying schedule of the legislation) by private individuals. Up until this time there has been no legal provision for regulating the keeping of these animals. The dangerous wild animals (northern ireland) order 2004 aims to address this gap in the law by ensuring individuals that keep these animals do so in a manner which protects public safety and safeguards the welfare of the animals.